DevOps questions


  • Explain Docker life cycle?
  • Explain/Write simple Dockerfile start to end.
  • What are layers in docker? how to reduce layer?
  • What is CMD and entry point? can we use both? When to use?
  • What is multistage dockerfile?
  • What’s Difference between ADD vs COPY, RUN vs CMD?
  • How to optimize docker image size?
  • How to optimize security in dockerfile?
  • Tools used for scanning docker file and image?
  • What is distroless image? when to use?
  • How to verify distroless image with cosign?
  • have you used tini ? why?
  • Can you run container with different kernel version than base kernel host?
  • What are the best practices to write Dockerfile?
  • what is docker buildkit?
  • What is docker-compose?
  • How container talks to other container in docker-compose?
  • Types of networks in docker-compose?
  • how to auto restart docker container?


  • Explain Your jenkins CICD pipeline?
  • Explain Jenkins DevSecOps Pipleine?
  • How you integrated sonarqube with your pipeline?
  • What are the ways we can start the build? OR type of build triggers?
  • How you add jenkins worker node? what are other ways to do?
  • How you manage credentials in Jenkins?
  • Diff between webhook and pool scm?
  • What plugins you used in Jenkins?
  • How do you take backup of Jenkins?
  • Have you written declarative or scripted pipeline? what’s difference?
  • How you pass env variable from one stage to another stage?


  • What are the components of kuberntes?
  • What is pod and deployment, Daemonset
  • When do you use Daemonset?
  • What is sidecar container? when to use?
  • What is static pod?
  • How you have integrated CICD with Jenkins?
  • What is Kubeproxy? CoreDNS?
  • How you expose your service externally?
  • What will happen if k8 control node goes down?
  • have you upgraded your k8 cluster? what are the steps? explain
  • How you add security to k8 cluster?
  • How you scan your k8 deployment file?
  • Best practice to write k8 deployment file, explain componets?
  • What is taints, tolerance, node affinity, pod affinity , anti-affinity?
  • What is CNI? What CNI you have used? Why we choose different CNI?
  • Default scaling method available in kubernetes? What task are require to setup HPA?
  • What VPA? what kind of metrics we can use? from where?
  • How pod communicate with each other?
  • How kubernetes kube metrics works?
  • How you troubleshoot if pod is in pending/imagepullbackoff state?
  • what is service mesh ? when to use?
  • What is mTLS? how do you secure your pod to pod communication?
  • What is PV, PVC? what is storageclass?
  • If PV is 50GB and created 20GB PVC using that PV. can 30GB used for new PVC?
  • what is PVC accessModes and Reclaim Policy?


  • what is terraform backend?
  • Where do you store your terraform state file? why?
  • Have you created custom module?
  • Explain your Iaac terraform pipeline


  • What is ansible playbook?
  • What is ansible role?
  • What module you used in ansible?
  • What is register in ansible?
  • Difference between static and dynamic inventory?
  • How ansible works? how it do authentication?
  • What is ansible galaxy?
  • what is ansible vault? how you store your creds?
  • write playbook to install httpd and enabled it?
  • What is ansible tower?
  • what are handlers in ansible?

General questions

  • What do you mean by CI and CD?
  • What is continue development , continue deployment?
  • what is your git branch strategy? how do you resolve merge conflict?
  • How you optimize cost on aws? (amd, arm, cloudcustodian, aws lambda, s3 static website, s3 lifecycle)
  • How you will host static website?
  • Application is receiving millions of request ? how you will manage it?
  • What is blue-green deployment? tools required? strategy?
  • What is unit testing? how do you configure quality gates, code coverage in sonarqube?

AWS questions

  • AWS lambda time limit?
  • How many VPC and subnet we can create?
  • How do you secure your website, endpoints?
  • What is cloudfront distribution point?
  • How you can recover from wrong fstab configured ec2 which is not starting at all?

Linux questions

  • How do extend space in Linux? LVM? LVM striping?
  • RAID types?
  • Top 10 command that use for daily task?
  • SUID, GUID, Sticky Bit, special permission in linux?
  • which is faster cp or mv? why?
  • command not found? troubleshooting?
  • what is swap memory? why? how?
  • update time in linux?
  • linux boot process?

Add ubuntu WSL 2 in Visual code

  • Set default wls to ubuntu
wsl -l
wsl --set-default Ubuntu
wsl --set-default-version 2
  • change from wsl1 to wsl2
wsl -l -v 
wsl --set-version Ubuntu 2
  • chmod is not working?

create /etc/wsl.conf

options = "metadata"

Kong smtp email configuration with AWS SES

update /etc/kong/kong.conf

[email protected]
admin_emails_from =Team1 <[email protected]>
portal_invite_email=Team1 <[email protected]>
portal_access_request_email=Team1 <[email protected]>
portal_emails_from=Team1 <[email protected]>
portal_emails_reply_to=Team1 <[email protected]>

Note : [email protected] should verified in AWS and It’s should be below format

Team1 <[email protected]>

Create statically linked rust docker image with alpine

– Optimize size
– less surface attack

FROM rust:slim-buster AS build
COPY . .
RUN rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
RUN cargo build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --release

FROM alpine:3.15.0
COPY --from=build /opt/target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release .
CMD ["/opt/simple-rust-webserver"]
docker build -t rust-web-alpine -f alpine.Dockerfile .

docker run -d -p 7878:7878 rust-web-alpine
[root@lp-test-1 simple-rust-webserver]# docker images | grep rust-web-alpine
rust-web-alpine                                latest          7dd00663078c   9 minutes ago    9.4MB

use std::net::{TcpStream, TcpListener};
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::thread;

fn handle_read(mut stream: &TcpStream) {
    let mut buf = [0u8 ;4096];
    match buf) {
        Ok(_) => {
            let req_str = String::from_utf8_lossy(&buf);
            println!("{}", req_str);
        Err(e) => println!("Unable to read stream: {}", e),

fn handle_write(mut stream: TcpStream) {
    let response = b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n<html><body>hola rust</body></html>\r\n";
    match stream.write(response) {
        Ok(_) => println!("Response sent"),
        Err(e) => println!("Failed sending response: {}", e),

fn handle_client(stream: TcpStream) {

fn main() {
    let listener = TcpListener::bind("").unwrap();
    println!("Listening for connections on port {}", 7878);

    for stream in listener.incoming() {
        match stream {
            Ok(stream) => {
                thread::spawn(|| {
            Err(e) => {
                println!("Unable to connect: {}", e);

More :

Send email using AWS SES SMTP with python

import smtplib

email_user = '<aws-ses-user>'
email_password = '<aws-ses-password>'

sent_from = '"test" <[email protected]>' #This should be verified
to = ['[email protected]']
subject = 'test'
body = 'test'

email_text = """\
From: %s
To: %s
Subject: %s

""" % (sent_from, ", ".join(to), subject, body)

    smtp_server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465)
    smtp_server.login(email_user, email_password)
    smtp_server.sendmail(sent_from, to, email_text)
    print ("Email sent successfully!")
except Exception as ex:
    print ("Something went wrong….",ex)

Issues and error messages:

Configure smtp plugin in Jenkins

Manage Jenkins > Configure system > search “E-mail Notification”

gmail smtp server:
port : 587 need TLS

Note: Allow google Less Secure App(should be turned on).


    agent { label 'worker1' }
                    emailext subject: 'Test email subject', body: 'Test email body',  to: '[email protected]'
                sh "echo hola"