xargs pass the output(stdout) of first command to second command as argument.
ls | xargs rm -f
This will remove all file listed by ls command
- To understand properly what xargs is doing. use
flag. It’s likedry-run
[root@lp-k8control-1 xargs]# ls
test test2 test3
[root@lp-k8control-1 xargs]# ls | xargs -p rm -f
rm -f test test2 test3 ?...
flag -n1 = one at a time
[root@lp-k8control-1 xargs]# ls | xargs -p -n1 rm -f
rm -f test ?...
flag -I % = run multiple command
[root@lp-k8control-1 xargs]# ls | xargs -p -n1 -I % /bin/bash -c 'ls %; ll % '
/bin/bash -c ls test; ll test ?...y